Deep below the ocean’s surface, there are resources that can transform societies and economies for generations to come in an environmentally responsible way.
There is growing global demand for critical mineral resources to power the green economy, feed the world's growing population, and provide vital infrastructure. As a result, land-based deposits of cobalt, manganese, rare earth minerals, phosphorite, gold, silver, copper, nickel, and zinc are being depleted.
As the worldwide population continues to grow, exploring additional and alternative sources of these much-needed materials is necessary.
The future is deep. And Odyssey knows how to get there. We have spent nearly 30 years working in the deep ocean by investing in and developing research, technology, and expertise. From marine mapping and sampling to resource validation and environmental planning, Odyssey is ready to provide access to critically needed resources in an environmentally responsible way.
Considering the benefits of subsea mineral resource development, deep-sea mining will be the best practice for the responsible provision of critical metals in the future. However, before that can happen, projects must be developed, resources must be validated, and environmental and societal impact must be assessed. Odyssey is taking the lead in preparing for this future by developing environmentally and socially responsible seafloor mineral projects.